watercolor painting

Hi all, how to get started watercolor painting. It is super fun & relaxing. It is easy so you should give it a shot. I am going to give you some information including the supplies you need to start. I also shared one of my Flamingos. I enjoy using small brushes, my favorite paint is the liquid watercolor paint but if you like drawing you might like watercolor pencils. They also have dust like water color paint. I started using it simply cause it is what I had on hand but it will leave the paper dusty once it drys. You should also invest in watercolor paper or canvas. Tip, if you painted something that you want to erase with the liquid watercolor paint or pencils and the paint is still a little wet don’t trash it yet you can as I call it flood the paper. just take your brush dip it in the water and drop the water from you brush where you want to erase. Then take a paper towel and collect all the water, repeat till no color is left. Take care to not hurt the paper, if you do it is ok.

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